Author Archives: Sean Work

About Sean Work

Sean Work is the President of O.C. Search Consulting, Inc. as well as the blog editor of You can follow him on Twitter @seanvwork, connect with him on Linkedin, or "encircle" him on .

Repeat COVID Infection Doubles the Risk of Death

I live in Southern California and it seems like everyone over here is over COVID. No one masks. Some people get boosters.

I feel like I’m an anomaly when it comes to COVID.

I realize that all the vaccines were developed quickly and anyone that takes them are being a guinea pig to a certain extent.

I also believe you don’t want to get COVID. You pretty much want to avoid it all costs.

It seems most people fall into either two camps:

1) Get vaccinated and get boosters and move on.
2) Don’t get vaccinated and move on.

But both camps doesn’t really wear mask. I mean, I see a few people wearing masks, but most people don’t around here.

In my opinion, masks are really the only option at this point. And not surgical masks. N95 masks.

I’ve taken one shot of J&J and thankfully, I don’t think I ever got COVID (I got a cold like sickness in March 2020 but it was really mild). I’m very on top of wearing my N95 mask though. And I’ve always been wearing N95 since early 2020.

I always wear my N95 in the grocery store, when I go inside a coffee shop. I never eat inside restaurants. Only outside. I don’t even go inside people’s homes without a mask on.

Three Alarming Things I Came Across

This article:

Repeat COVID Infection Doubles the Risk of Death.

This Tweet:

And this Tweet:

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cars collecing solar energy

Why not put solar panels on top of cars?

A while back I did a calculation to see how long it’d take to charge an electric car with solar panels. The answer I came up with was something like 5 – 7 days. Bummer.

But then I started thinking about this again, but from a different angle. What if cars just collected solar energy all day. Is it worth it?

Most cars around here just sit in the sun ALL DAY. Might as well be collecting energy right? Continue reading

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Try This First Before You Start Day Trading!

I don’t day trade.

I’m too busy working and I have a financial planner.

But it occurred to me today that if you’re thinking about day trading stocks or crypto, you might want to try this test first.

“The Pretend Trader” Test

1. Pick some trades for the day.

2. Write down / record the date and the price of your trades. You’re not going to buy or sell anything. You’re just recording your pretend trades.

3. Do this every day you plan on trading.

4. After a month or three review your data. Did you come out ahead? Are you good at it? Are you good at it just because it’s a bull market? How do your trades compare to an index fund or S&P 500?

That’s all. Test yourself first. See if you have a knack for it before losing any real money.

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Free Shopify SEO Training – Virtual 1-on-1 Training

I’m getting a few requests to train Shopify store owners on how to SEO their Shopify site. I’ve come up with a pretty lengthy training course, however, I just don’t know how long it will take to go through the entire thing.

If anyone wants to get a free training session with me, it will help me time the training and allow me to package it better.

Please connect with me using this Calendly form below (I’m estimating it will be 90 minutes, but you’ll help me figure out how long it will really be!):

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We’re Not Close To Being Carbon Free: A Look at California Energy Supply for August 11, 2021

I did a quick video last night looking at California’s energy supply. I wanted to see how much natural gas we’re burning to produce electricity (for the entire state). Welp, we’re burning a lot of natural gas to supply California’s electrical needs. I was hoping that renewables would make up most of our energy supply, but for yesterday, that wasn’t the case. Continue reading

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