SEO for Startups

I come across this all the time: Startups that haven’t optimized their website for what they do. Often times, they’ll throw up a marketing site, usually in WordPress, and have a few pages about what they do, who’s on the team and a contact page.

I understand why they do this: They’re busy working on the product and trying to figure out what problem they’re really solving. However, at some point, you have to start working on customer growth.

That’s where optimizing the main company website comes in. A thorough SEO audit and implementation will ensure the website is targeting the right customers for the solutions they are looking for. Once that’s done, customer acquisition can really start. Even if you’re using a paid acquisition strategy, early adopters will spend time researching your product and service, and that usually means there are a few Google searches involved. Let me make sure that crucial step is taken care of.

Feel free to contact me and I can do an audit over the phone with you and your team:

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