Hi! I'm Sean Work. Welcome to my little corner of the Information Superhighway.

Here's a timeline of life events..

197X - Birthed. Child of the late 1970s! (Guess my age :)
Witnessed the L.A. Riots in its full force - 1992
1995 - Started U.C. Irvine
1997 - Either saw a UFO or experimental aircraft driving south on I-15 near Beaver, UT at 2 AM.
Wow that took a long time but I obtained two degrees in engineering - 2001
2001 - Started working on the International Space Station. Did a lot of work on how lubricants behave on bolted interfaces in outer space.
Started working on the Space Shuttle Orbiter Boom Sensor System - 2003
2006 - Started a company called Open House Alliance (which ultimately turned into Zipmatch.com)
Worked at Advantage Consulting Services with Neil Patel - 2008
2009 - Started my first consulting company Orange County Search
Neil Patel calls me and asks, "Hey, do you want to work at KISSmetrics?" - 2010
2012 - My first child is born. Year of the dragon!
I grow the KISSmetrics blog to 1 million readers a month - 2015
2015 - I haven't gone on vacation in 5 years - take one-month sabbatical
Took a job at Crazy Egg as V.P. of Inbound Marketing - 2015
2015 - Gangster baby is born
Started Judicious, Inc. (my very own marketing agency) - 2017

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About Sean Work

Let's see.. where do I begin?

I grew up near Los Angeles International Airport and being exposed to quite a bit of aerospace propaganda, I decided at an early age that I wanted to become an aerospace engineer. Naturally, that was the major I chose in college.

During college, I started an online skateboard shop and got thrown into the world of internet marketing. I learned A LOT about website development and search engine optimization (when ya ain't got no money DIY SEO is very attractive!).

After college, I got a job as a structural engineer at Boeing. I worked on a lot of cool stuff like Delta IV rockets, the International Space Station, and the Space Shuttle. Super honored for that experience. Space Station, in particular, was really cool to work on.

In 2005 my manager at Boeing gave me a heads up that Space Shuttle work was winding down. He asked me what program I wanted to move on to. I think I shocked him when I told him I was going to go off on my own and possibly start a business with my brother. There was also one thing that really bothered me about Boeing: they're war profiteers. As a skater / punker kid, I wasn't fond of the military-industrial complex. When I started at Boeing, the U.S. wasn't at war. By the time I left, we were in two wars. I've always viewed both of those wars as completely unnecessary and really the only thing that ever benefited from them were defense contractors. A lot of people died to make a few companies rich.

Wilderness Years 2006 - 2010

This was an interesting period of my life when looking back on it, it could almost look like I was lost, but I was learning a ton of stuff. Especially in terms of online marketing and building online businesses. I was starting to consult businesses on their SEO, I started working at my first digital marketing agency, and I began building my own niche websites.

It was during this era I met Neil Patel through my roommate John Dang. I ended up becoming the manager at Neil's first digital agency Advantage Consulting Services. This was a wild time when there were few digital marketing specialists and the value we provided was immense. It was a golden era in a lot of ways. I had no idea until recently how much I undervalued my own skillset during that time. This was also the era in which I became a PPC expert.

The Next Frontier: Space Pencil 2010 - 2017

Neil and his brother-in-law started a couple of website analytics companies. Neil asked me to work at their second one: KISSmetrics. At the time I was on my own doing SEO consulting and it was a little sketchy during those years (economically speaking). I was doing fine, but these were hard years for a lot of people. I could have kept consulting on my own, but I felt getting a full-time job was probably a safer bet. So I did!

I started as the only marketing person at KISSmetrics. Quickly, my role became the blog editor. As a matter of fact, we decided to go hard on blogging. That was the only thing we really focused on at first. And the blog blew up! Neil and Hiten already knew the power of a good blog back then and they really set it up for success. When I came in, we simply started blogging more and got in the habit of inviting other experts to provide content.

Soon, the blog became an authoritative publication for all things digital marketing and start-up related. One of the best things that happened to me was that I was able to learn from all these other experts in other areas of digital marketing and start-up thought leadership. I learned a lot!

Judicious, Inc.

In 2018 I decided to start my own digital marketing agency. There was a big need for business blogging: A lot of businesses knew they needed to do it, but they never executed. That's where Judicious, Inc. came in. We help a lot of businesses start their blog and run their blog. Last time I counted, 3 of our clients had exits.

Today, Judicious Inc. focuses on therapy and recovery centers with digital marketing.

Hobbies & Interests

I like to play beach volleyball, hike in the local mountains, and surf. I love old cities. I love historical topics related to science. I love renewable and nuclear energy topics.

Areas of Expertise

  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Google Ads
  • Conversion Rate Optimization
  • Copywriting
  • Social Media Marketing
  • On-Orbit Assembly of Space Hardware & Structures

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